
Posted on Feb 15 2014 by Redazione

PecorinoPecorino is the name of a family of hard Italian cheeses made from ewe’s milk. The word derives from pecora meaning ‘sheep’, also from the Latin pecora meaning livestock.
All come in a variety of styles depending on how long they have been aged. The more matured cheeses, referred to as stagionato (“seasoned” or “aged”), are harder but still crumbly in texture and have decidedly buttery and nutty flavours. The other two types semi-stagionato and fresco have a softer texture and milder cream and milk tastes.
In Southern Italy, it is traditional to add black peppercorns or red chilli flakes to Pecorino, producing what is called Pecorino Pepato (literally, “peppered Pecorino”). Today many other additions are made, for example walnuts or rucola or tiny pieces of white or black truffle.
Today transhumance it is still practiced: in winter the flocks are reared in the lower part of the Gargano. In June, the animals are moved above 1000 meters in the beautiful highlands of Monte Nero and Monte Calvo where the vegetation is rich and pastures remain green for most of the summer thanks to the climate typical of this area.