“Saragolla Lucana” durum wheat saved by the Cereal Research Centre of Foggia

Posted on Feb 27 2014 by Redazione
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granoCereal Research Centre of Foggia has achieved important results regarding the ‘Saragolla Lucana’. This is the quintessential variety of durum wheat, which has grown extensively until a century ago.
The important Cereal Research Centre has been able to save the ‘Saragolla Lucana’ from disappearing. Saragolla is a variety of durum wheat, widespread until a century ago between Palazzo San Gervasio, Venosa, Lavello and other municipalities in the area of Vulture and of Akto Bradano before being supplanted by other types of wheat with lower and commercially profitable ears.
The Saragolla Lucan is the first species of wheat recovered and it entered the register of plant varieties as ‘ Variety to conservation’, ie those who are threatened by genetic erosion.
The plant height varies between 140 and 160 centimeters, like other ancient and precious varieties ‘Cappelli’. The goal is to protect and enhance the genetic heritage of the typical ancient wheat varieties to propose new quality products in a niche industry.