Grottaglie ceramics, when colors meet history

Posted on Jul 22 2014 by Simona Giacobbi
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Quartiere delle Ceramiche a Grottaglie

When colors meet history. These are the ceramics of Grottaglie, the Jonic town located not far from Taranto. Many potters of the shops dot the famous street of the town of Taranto in the ‘Quartiere delle ceramiche” (‘Ceramics District’). Thanks to the abundance of clay in the territory ceramic production has been the main source of income for Grottaglia economy. Grottaglie is the only town in Puglia inserted in the restricted list of the 28 cities of Italian ceramic.
It’s easy to get lost and be fascinated by the artistic creations in various shops, workshops and kilns, some placed in the rock underground, used in the past as mills, scattered along the road. A thriving craft that today is recognized and appreciated all over the world.

The first documentation of Grottaglie ceramics dates back to post-medieval. Up to 1550 the absence of feudal courts characterizes craftsmanship with forms of everyday use and very simple decorations. In the seventeenth century, the first works of art and, in the eighteenth century, the production ‘faenzara’ had a predominant role, with pottery characterized by friezes of classical and neoclassical taste. In the nineteenth century, when in the rest of Puglia crafts loses importance in favor of other materials, Grottaglie maintains and increases its commitment to the creation of artifacts. This is the moment that sees the birth of different laboratories of excellence.

A characteristic of the production grottagliese is the decoration of the Cockerel, generally polychrome, and the Star, made with five points that form a pentagon around a central point. The typical decorative colors: copper green, cobalt blue, yellow ocher and manganese brown. A wide range of traditional forms of tableware, containers for oil, salt, dishes, bowls, cups and much more will enrich your kitchen with beautiful colors.
Among the events of particular interest related to the enhancement of this craftsmanship there are the Ceramics Exhibition (August) and the Exhibition of the Nativity (December), in addition to prestigious permanent exhibition at the Museum of Ceramics in the halls of Bishop’s Castle.

Giornalista professionista, laurea in lingue e letterature straniere e un master in Social Communication. Piacentina d’origine, pugliese d’adozione dal 2012, cresciuta a tortelli e gnocco fritto, impara a cucinare in Canada, a Toronto, dove ha vissuto sei anni e dove ha lavorato per il quotidiano italiano Corriere Canadese. Oltreoceano scopre una diversità culinaria etnica senza confini. Da allora la sua vita cambia. Cucina e ristoranti diventano luoghi interscambiabili di idee, progetti, tradizioni e passioni. Ama assaporare, provare, gustare. E fare foto. Conduce su Telenorba e TgNorba24 la trasmissione “I colori della nostra terra”, un programma che parla di ruralità, agroalimentare ed eccellenze enogastronomiche della Puglia. Ha collaborato con I Love Italian Food e il Cucchiaio d’Argento ed è spesso chiamata a far parte di giurie di eventi a carattere enogastronomico e di concorsi legati al mondo della pizza. Recensisce pizzerie per guide cartacee e online. Nel 2011 crea Pasta Loves Me, un blog che parla di lei, di pasta, food e lifestyle. È fondatrice e responsabile di Puglia Mon Amour, un’avventura che vive con gli occhi curiosi di turista e l’entusiasmo di un’innamorata per una terra che regala ogni giorno emozioni, genuinità e solarità. Ha la pizza napoletana nel cuore e tutto quello che rende felice il suo palato. E vive con una certezza: la pizza non le spezzerà mai il cuore.

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